Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 2013

We've been having lots of fun! 
Ashley was home for a month over Christmas break, and it was great to
see the girls spend some time together!
Harper loves riding her 4 wheeler.
It was warm enough to play outside a few times.
Harper enjoys riding her bike!
She likes to sneak up on people and say "Boo!"
She loves Sonic Slush drinks!
Harper is growing up so quickly!  She can wash her hands by herself.
She can feed herself with a spoon.
Harper looked so pretty in her traditional silk dress!
We had a great time at a Chinese New Year party!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stella & Elizabeth's Birthday Party

Today we went to Stella & Elizabeth Spangler's birthday party at Shoot for the Stars
Gymnastics in Smithville.  Harper loved it!
Future gymnast?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sea Life Aquarium and Lego Land

We received a wonderful gift from the Kruse family (Kevin, Tish, Maddie & Jordan) for Christmas --- tickets to the Sea Life Aquarium and Lego Land!  Afterwards, we ate lunch at Fritz's, and Harper loved all the trains.  She especially loved it when our food was delivered by a train.  As you can see below, we all had a blast!

Harper got to touch a starfish
She loved walking "under" the fish
Playing with the stingrays
Waiting for the stingrays to swim by
There was a great play area
Inside the tank with Momma
Harper's first roller coaster ride -- Lego Land
Riding a Lego dog
There was a huge pit of soft foam Legos to play in.
The Plaza Lights -- Lego version!  Very impressive!
Harper didn't like wearing the engineer hat at Fritz's
But she was super happy when she got a fruit cup!

Tish, Kevin, Jordan and Maddie  --  Thank you so much!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Harper's 2nd Birthday!

Daddy made my favorite breakfast today -- syrupy pancakes!
Playing with my balloon
Uncle Neil and Aunt Melissa got me a 4 wheeler!
 Eating cupcakes with my sissy
Playing Pin the Nose on Mickey
Meeting my cousin, Ceily
Cousin Lexi got me a Panda Bear!
I love my new Princess tent!
What a great birthday!
Thanks to everyone who came to my party!  
I had a perfect day!