Sunday, September 29, 2013

Another fun weekend!

On Friday, Harper and I went shopping at Oak Park Mall.
 She drove a bobcat.
We rode the carousel and she chose to ride on a zebra!
Friday night the Spangler family came over for dinner.  
It was so wonderful to see Harper run off to play with 
Elizabeth and Stella while the adults gathered in the kitchen.
The girls played and laughed all night long!  I can't believe I didn't get any pictures!
On Saturday, we celebrated our 23rd anniversary and 
Regina Martin's birthday at Buca di Beppo.
Harper checked out some of the plaza fountains.
We went to GlacĂ© for ice cream and I think it is 
safe to say that Harper LOVED it!

New Antisdel's Photos!

Harper has grown and changed so much since 
we had our family photo taken last November.
We wanted to capture her before she grows even more.
The photographer got sooooooooooo many great photos!
Here are some of our favorites.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Last days of summer!

Summer is ending so we knew we needed to spend time outside!
We introduced Harper to t-ball.
She wasn't too interested and decided we should blow bubbles!
Daddy was disappointed when Harper said she'd rather play soccer.
Ashley was home for the weekend, so we found a new park!
Zeebs got a turn on the swings.
Harper loves playing with her Sissy!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

So much to see and do!

We are really enjoying this fabulous weather!
Yesterday, we ate lunch at Jason's Deli and Harper loved the soft serve ice cream.
What?  Doesn't everyone eat the bottom of the cone first?
Harper can always be found standing on the air conditioning vents.
I wonder what she will think when the weather changes and the vents blow hot air.
Today we went to ride the train at Line Creek Park.
Harper loved it!
The train went pretty fast and there was even a tunnel!
Then we went to the playground for more fun!
We hope for a lot more fabulous weather in our future!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gymnastic class!

Tonight was Harper's first gymnastic class!
We enrolled in a Mommy & Me Tumble Tot class at Shoot for the Stars in Smithville.
We are hoping she will learn some fundamentals like
listen to the teacher, stand in line, and wait your turn.
She did pretty well for the first class.
She walked on the beam.
She played catch with a balloon.
Her favorite part was the trampoline!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

A four day weekend gave us lots of time to play.
We went swimming.
We built a tent by the pool.
We played some golf.
We swam some more.
We played with bubbles.
We ate dinner outside!
We even got to go to the park!

Fritz's and Wonderscope Children's Museum

Yesterday morning was rainy, so Harper and I decided to go to
Shawnee and check out Fritz's and the Wonderscope Children's Museum.
Fritz's is a restaurant with lots of trains and a train even delivers the food.
Harper wasn't sure about wearing the conductor's hat.
She was very excited each time one of the trains would go by.
She kept waving and waving at the trains!
There were lots of things to do at the Children's Museum.
Harper loved playing in the ball room.
There was an art room.
Harper played in a submarine made from Legos
and pretended to be a veterinarian.
The water room kept her entertained for quite some time!
We had a great time at the Children's Museum!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


I found a set of golf clubs at Wal-Mart on clearance for $1.50.
Harper loves them!
Daddy got her lined up and showed her what to do.
I wasn't paying attention when I bought the clubs, and 
didn't remember we would need a left handed set.
She seemed to enjoy them anyway.
Golfing is hard work, so we had to take a break for some popsicles.
Golfing is sooooo much fun!