Friday, November 29, 2013

Fall fun!

We decided it was time to get Harper a big girl bed!
She thinks it is pretty neat, but she hasn't actually slept in it yet.
She decided to turn the bed railing into a ladder.
Harper learned how to turn the lights and ceiling fans off and on.
She insists on having the ceiling fans on, even when it is 15 degrees outside!
Recently, she has developed an infatuation with wearing our shoes.
Harper colored with markers for the first time.
Opening an early Christmas present from Grandma and Grandpa Braley
Snuggling with Grandpa Braley
Laughing with Sissy
On Thanksgiving, Harper tried Cool Whip for the first time.
I think she likes it!
Watching TV with Grandpa Scott
We've been having lots of fun this fall!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ashley was home!

Ashley was home for the weekend!  On Saturday, the weather was great so 
we spent the morning shopping at Zona Rosa.  We ate lunch at 54th Street.
Harper loved her buttered noodles.........
until she discovered my gringo dip!
As you can see from the look of horror on my face,
I was certain Harper would make a huge mess with cheese dip!
Ashley was always such a clean child.  Harper, however, enjoys a mess!
After naptime, we headed outside to play.
Of course, Harper chose a messy activity -- sidewalk chalk!
I snapped this picture of her before she started drawing and rolling in the chalk.
Next, she wanted to play in the sandbox.  Not surprisingly, another messy choice!
Harper rode a bicycle for the first time.
Ashley got the dog to pose for a picture.
Before we went inside, Harper wanted to blow bubbles.
Yep, she spilled it all over herself.
We've been blessed with two beautiful girls.  
One clean, one messy........ but both perfect in our eyes!

Monday, November 4, 2013

First trip to the Emergency Room

Harper started feeling sick on Halloween.  By Saturday morning,
her cough had intensified and she had developed a fever. 
I took her to the doctor, they diagnosed an ear infection and started an antibiotic.  On Sunday night, she still had a fever despite taking Tylenol and Motrin around the clock.
We could see she was miserable, so we decided to go to the Emergency Room.
They did a lot of tests and a chest x-ray.  They confirmed that she does have a
pretty severe ear infection and also bronchitis.  They gave her an antibiotic injection, a breathing treatment, and some pain relieving ear drops.  She's feeling a bit better today, but still has a bad cough, a fever, a runny nose and a stuffy head.  
If she still has a fever tomorrow, we will head back to the doctor again.
Poor baby-- just doesn't feel well!
Although she wasn't feeling well, Harper was pretty tolerant 
of all of the tests and procedures done at the hospital.
As you can see, Zebra came along too!