Sunday, December 28, 2014

Harper's First Movie!

We took Harper to see her first movie. In the past, we have avoided movies because Harper isn't very skilled at sitting still or being quiet.
Disney's Frozen was playing on Kansas City's largest screen, the Extreme Screen at Union Station and tickets were only $2!  
I thought we might make it through the first 20 minutes before she was bored.  
But she loved the movie and we stayed for the whole thing!  
She was so cute dancing and singing all of the songs.
I tried getting video and pictures, but it was too dark. 
Harper didn't want the movie to end.  
She kept saying, "More Frozen! More Frozen!"

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas 2014

Harper might not understand the real meaning of Christmas, 
but she has definitely learned what presents are.
Santa left a pink car under the tree!
After wrecking into the couch, we relocated to the garage.
Ashley even got to go for a ride!
We spent most of Christmas day trying out new toys.
We played lots of games.
That afternoon, we went to Grandpa and Grandma Scott's house.
Uncle Neil helped open presents.
That night the girls slept in their new matching pajamas from Grandpa and Grandma Braley!
What a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 25, 2014


We saw Santa twice this year!
In past years, Harper has been afraid to sit on Santa's lap.
We were pleasantly surprised when we saw Santa at a book fair at Harper's school.
A few weeks later, she saw Santa again at Zona Rosa!
Both times, she was very excited to see Santa!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Beckett Family Christmas Party 2014

Saturday night, we celebrated Christmas with the Beckett side of the family.
Uncle Mike, Aunt Christy, and Cousin Lexi flew in from Colorado.
Ironically, Lexi and Harper worked on a "Time to Share" puzzle.
Everyone loved the new marble tower.
Kinetic Sand was a big hit too!
Harper is really enjoying the Christmas season this year!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 2014

It's been a busy November!  
We had to say goodbye to our fabulous speech therapist, Miss Tiffany!
Children's Mercy has such a long wait list for therapy that they only allow each child 6 months of treatment.  Harper's 6 months just ended.  Harper loved Miss Tiffany so much! In the 6 months we spent with her, Harper went from speaking only single words like Momma and Dadda to using 4 word sentences really consistently.  She still drops the end consonants of words, which makes her difficult to understand.  We've found a new therapist and start with her next week.  
If she is even half as good as Tiffany, we will be very pleased!
We've had lots of fun in November.
We get outside as often as possible. We went to the park
 and played in the leaves.
Ashley & I taught Harper how to play Guess Who.
We colored
and played chase through the house.
We decorated the Christmas tree and are ready for a busy December!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Little Monkey Bizness and The Big Biscuit

This morning Harper and I met several other families who have 
adopted from China at Little Monkey Bizness in Shawnee for a playdate!
There were more kids, but some of them escaped from our picture.
Harper had a great time playing, although she wasn't really interested in posing for a group picture.
She climbed the big slide all by herself
and played air hockey with her new friend, Allie.
What a fun Saturday morning!
Harper worked up a big appetite, so we grabbed some chocolate chip pancakes for
lunch at The Big Biscuit.  Harper ate 3 pancakes, scrambled eggs, and milk!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Harper was really excited for Halloween this year.
She helped Daddy carve the pumpkin
and it turned out great!
Getting ready for trick-or-treaters
There were lots of giggles.
 Ashley pretended to be a trick-or-treater so I could show Harper what to do.
When the doorbell would ring, Harper would shriek with delight and run to the door.
She saw what all the other kids did, so that's what she did too.
She grabbed some candy out of the bucket and ran!
Arrrrrrrrgh!  Being a pirate is lots of fun!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fun Farm

Today we went to Kearney's new Fun Farm Pumpkin Patch.
Harper loved it all especially the giant corn crib.
She played in it for nearly an hour!
We checked out the animals, but Harper seemed a bit afraid.
On the playground, Harper insisted on climbing onto the tractor all by herself.
She giggled with Ashley on the swings
and found a tunnel of giant tires to run through.
The Jumbo Jumper was super fun.
Harper loved bouncing!
What a perfect day at the Fun Farm!


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch 2014

Last Tuesday afternoon, the weather was wonderful so we
headed out for our annual visit to Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch.
Harper wanted to be the bus driver, bus she wasn't quite tall enough.
Surprisingly, she did not want to feed the goats this year.
She mostly wanted to just run and play.
Harper practiced counting with pumpkins
and made a friend on the playground.
Her favorite part was the wooden train.
She kept saying, "Choo choo!"
What a great day at the pumpkin patch!