Sunday, March 30, 2014

Disney on Ice - Let's Celebrate!

Tonight we went to see the Disney on Ice show at the Sprint Center.
 Harper absolutely loved it!  
She watched intently.
Harper was so excited to see Minnie!
She kept pointing and waving to all of the characters.
The theme was celebrating holidays and there were several Asian inspired numbers.
Our favorite routine included all of the Disney Princesses.
Of course, there was a Christmas celebration.
Thanks so much to cousin Emma and her family for the tickets!
We had great seats and a wonderful time!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Full of personality

Harper is such a little character.  We never know what she will be up to.
Things were very quiet a few days ago, and I found her IN the bathroom sink.
Daddy was eating some Oreos after work one day, and Harper decided she needed some too!
Looking sweet reading a book before tumbling class
then pulling her shorts up and acting silly when we said it was time to go!
Giggling with Sissy after dinner
Creating a masterpiece
Sharing her muffin with her monkey
Climbing a slide at Fun Run
Being messy with powdered sugar doughnuts
Harper is such a little bundle of fun!  She is constantly giggling and making us laugh too!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

590 days

590 days
That is how long Harper spent without a family.
No mommy to kiss her boo-boos, no daddy to giggle with her,
and no sissy to play with.
590 days is 1 year, seven months, and 13 days.
590 days is 14,160 hours.
590 days is 849,600 minutes.
Today marks the day Harper has spent 590 days WITH a family.
590 days of sheer happiness, giggles, cuddles, kisses, and snuggles
She knows the love of a family and has learned to trust that we will never leave her.
Harper Grace, we are so thankful that you are a part of our family!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fun at the park

This afternoon, Harper and I went to Jesse James Park.
She ran and played for over an hour.
She insisted on going down the REALLY big twisty slide
lots of times!
She explored the tunnels
then decided we should walk down to the lake.
We rested for a while
then went back to the playground for more fun!

Monday, March 10, 2014

First half of March

We found some special ice cream for Daddy's birthday.
Harper decided she should eat it all!
She decided to share some with Sissy.
 The weather has been very cold, so we've been stuck inside.
We fished the eggs out of the bucket with a 
strainer and practiced our colors and counting.
The funnel was fun and messy!
Today, it was FINALLY warm enough to go outside!
Harper wanted to blow bubbles.
She helped Daddy sweep up the rocks.
We are hoping for lots of sunny days!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

School Update

Harper is doing great at school!  Each day when her sitter says it is time to watch for the bus, Harper gets very excited and grabs her coat and backpack.  We get a daily note from Harper's teacher telling us what lessons they studied and what Harper's mood and level of participation was. 
During the first week of school, they studied the letter "Q" and the color orange.  Harper has always pronounced the word orange as "O".  After only a few days of school, she now pronounces it as "O-ran".  Much better already! The clarity of her speech has improved too.  She has started saying "Bye-bye!" and it is very easy to understand.  Ms. Woods reports that Harper verbally responds during group activities and she will now sit with the group and keep attention during lessons. 
During the second week of class, they focused on the letter "R", the theme was Space, and the color was yellow.  They painted a golf ball like a planet, cut out and painted the moon, sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and read several space themed books.  Each day, Harper's mood is reported as HAPPY!  It sounds like she is having a great time in her new class, which consists of 8 little boys, a teacher and 2 aides.  An email from her teacher said that "Harper has all the staff wrapped around her little finger."  The speech therapist said, "She is a joy!" Her babysitter told me that Harper blew a kiss to the bus driver after school.  It sounds like her happy demeanor, charm, and enthusiasm is helping her to quickly make friends.  
We are beyond pleased that Harper is doing so well!  We are so proud of her for being brave and confident.  This little girl continues to amaze us!