Saturday, May 31, 2014

Penguin Park

This morning we played at Penguin Park!
We ran and climbed and giggled.
We drove a fire truck
and went down some slides.
Harper hugged the giraffe.
But her favorite part was driving the school bus!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spring Family Fun Night

On Tuesday, we attended Spring Family Fun Night at Harper's school.
The kids sang some songs like The Itsy Bitsy Spider
and If You're Happy and You Know It.
Brock was so sweet to stand next to Harper and help her behave.
There was a song that involved hitting sticks that Harper really seemed to enjoy.
Harper LOVED clapping for herself after each song!
After the performance, the kids got to play for a bit. 
Harper and Carder loved the water table.
It was great to see Harper's friends.
Miss Sara has taught Harper so many things this year.
We were so happy to learn that she will be Harper's teacher next year too!

Ashley's graduation

All dressed up and headed to Columbia because
Ashley graduated from Mizzou!
Celebrating after the ceremony
Checking out one of Ashley's graduation presents
We celebrated with a family dinner at Olive Garden.
Harper kept everyone entertained by playing peekaboo with her napkin.
 Congratulations Ashley!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Harper has been doing very well in her gymnastics class.
She loves jumping on the trampoline
and going down the slide.
Her favorite part is jumping into the foam pit.
She can do a forward roll!
At the end of each class, the girls line up to get a stamp on their hand.  The regular session is over now, and most of the girls will be moving to other classes.
We've had so much fun this year and will miss all of them!
Paige, Halee, Macy, Harper, and Sophia (Claire was absent)
 Miss Ashley was such a great coach!


Monday, May 5, 2014

A Roller Coaster Weekend

Saturday was a beautiful day!  We played outside
and had a picnic lunch.
We even shared our lunch with the dogs.
On Saturday night, we went to cousin Ceily's 6th birthday party.
Jumping in the bounce house with cousin Seger
 On Sunday morning, I got up early to bake cookies for a bake sale at work.
Around 6:30, I heard Shawn running down the stairs.  He was hollering something, but I couldn't understand him.  Finally, he ran into the room carrying a limp Harper screaming, "She can't breathe!"  She appeared to be having a seizure and was choking on the saliva pooling in her mouth.  Her eyes were rolled back in her head, and she was non-responsive.  After what felt like an eternity, she started crying.  She felt very warm and feverish.  We rushed her to the hospital.
After a LOT of tests, the doctors determined that she had a viral throat infection and an ear infection.  The doctor said that a febrile seizure is not caused by a high temperature (hers was only 102) but by a sudden rise in body temperature.  She was a bit lethargic on Sunday morning, but was back to her normal active self by Sunday afternoon.  What a scary morning!  We are counting our blessings that it wasn't anything more serious.