Monday, October 20, 2014

Fun Farm

Today we went to Kearney's new Fun Farm Pumpkin Patch.
Harper loved it all especially the giant corn crib.
She played in it for nearly an hour!
We checked out the animals, but Harper seemed a bit afraid.
On the playground, Harper insisted on climbing onto the tractor all by herself.
She giggled with Ashley on the swings
and found a tunnel of giant tires to run through.
The Jumbo Jumper was super fun.
Harper loved bouncing!
What a perfect day at the Fun Farm!


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch 2014

Last Tuesday afternoon, the weather was wonderful so we
headed out for our annual visit to Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch.
Harper wanted to be the bus driver, bus she wasn't quite tall enough.
Surprisingly, she did not want to feed the goats this year.
She mostly wanted to just run and play.
Harper practiced counting with pumpkins
and made a friend on the playground.
Her favorite part was the wooden train.
She kept saying, "Choo choo!"
What a great day at the pumpkin patch!

Monday, October 6, 2014

More Mexico pictures!

I just checked my camera and found more Mexico pictures!
The resort was absolutely beautiful!
There were endless pools.
I loved all the waterfalls.
Harper loved racing Daddy on the slides.
Harper learned to say "Hola!"
She told everyone we passed, "Hola!"
We had an eventful trip home.  Our plane was quite delayed leaving Cancun, so we spent much of the day in the Cancun airport.  Finally, we made it to Dallas, but we had missed our connecting flight.  Our only hope was to get standby seats on a 9:15 pm flight to Kansas City.  After that, the next available flight was two days later!  Harper charmed the lady at the American Airlines counter and we were suddenly at the top of the standby list.  Only three seats were open, and we got them!
After a long day spent in airports, we were happy to go home.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


We spent much of last week on vacation in Mexico.
It was Harper's first trip to our favorite resort-- Iberostar Paraiso Maya.
It was also her first time in the ocean. "Where did my sandcastle go?"
 She loved looking at the birds with Daddy.
There were so many pools to splash in!
Harper loved this kiddie pool.  It was only 1 foot deep -- just the right size!
She laughed every time the turtle spit water on her.
There was a wave pool.
Harper was hoarse from squealing with delight every time a wave would break.
The resort had a water park too!
She slid with Momma
and rode an alligator.
"I did it all by myself!"
She drove her boat in the big pool
and on the lazy river.
She loved the buffets and quickly learned that there was always ice cream!
She played in the sand for hours.
Daddy played in the sand too!
Harper LOVED Mexico!
We can't wait to go back to the beach!