Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sid the Science Kid!

To say that Harper LOVES Sid the Science Kid is a complete understatement.
When we found out he was coming to the Kansas City Zoo, we knew we had to go.
She was sooooooo thrilled to meet him!
It seemed like Sid was really excited to meet Harper too.
After we met him, a lady stopped me and said that she was "Sid's" wife.
She explained that they have two daughters who are adopted from China.
What a small world!
We were all recovering from recent colds, so we didn't visit much of the zoo.
Harper played for a bit on the playground.
She's gotten so much more independent and confident.
She loved this little toad slide.  She even kissed it when we left!
Harper is always so excited to see new things.  We had a great afternoon at the zoo!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter weekend!
Harper was VERY excited to dye eggs this year.
Aunt Christy and Cousin Lexi came to town.
We ate lunch at Fritz's at Crown Center
and spent time getting crafty at Kaleidoscope.
Harper and Lexi got to design their own puzzles
and Ashley helped when it was time to cut them.
We went to Legoland Discovery Center.
Watch out for those falling bricks!
Harper helped Grandma with the iPad display.
The girls loved building with the Legos.
We all enjoyed the gift shop!
We had a lot of laughs on Easter weekend!