Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

Harper had a great Halloween!
This is the first year that she really understood trick or treating.  
She loved knocking on doors and getting candy!
We went to a few houses in our neighborhood,
then headed home so we could pass out candy.
Harper was so excited to eat her candy,
but she shared with Grandpa and Grandma too!
Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Power Play

After speech therapy, Harper and I 
decided to check out Power Play.
Most of the games at Power Play were geared towards older kids,
but we had a good time anyway.
There was an area for younger kids with an inflatable.
Harper loved pushing the buttons to make the balloon go.
She seemed to know what bowling was
and cheered when she knocked down the pins.
She liked hitting the ghosts
and stomping on the bugs.
Harper won quite a few tickets and really enjoyed choosing her prizes.
She picked a small stuffed pig, some M & M's, and a watermelon ring pop.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Time to Carve the Pumpkin!

Harper was super excited to carve the pumpkin this year.
She did much of it herself!
Ashley didn't seem quite as excited.
Harper chose Curious George
Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Great Midwest Balloon Fest

Today we headed to Bonner Springs to see the giant balloons!
We were disappointed to learn that the balloons wouldn't start 
inflating until several hours after we planned to leave.
Even without balloons, we had a great time.
There were several bounce houses
and slides.
There was an arts and crafts area with painting
and play-doh
and coloring.
There was a carnival and Harper loved the train
and driving the cars!
We didn't see any balloons, but there were some giant kites.
Harper loved taking pictures
and eating her first funnel cake!
It wasn't what we expected, but we had a fun time anyway!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Harper's First Football Game

On Wednesday, we went to watch my niece
Emma cheer for the Kearney Bulldogs.
Harper had a great time.  She loved cheering and clapping for the many 
touchdowns.  Her friends Oliver and Sawyer were at the game too
and they had lots of fun playing together.
It was a beautiful day for Bulldog Football!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch

Today, we went to Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch.
We met Harper's friend Alli.
The kids did the maze all by themselves!
Harper loved climbing on the tractor tires
and riding on the wooden train.
She drove the combine
and searched for the perfect pumpkin.
What a great day to spend with friends!


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Curious George!

Today we went to Paradise Park in Lee's Summit
to meet Curious George and the Man with the Yellow Hat.
Harper has many Curious George books and loves 
watching Curious George videos on her iPad.
There was a little petting zoo
and Harper loved feeding the animals.
We went inside to play and Harper
wanted a picture with a giant pirate minion.
She loved shopping for groceries
and driving a race car.
Her favorite activity was still the water tables.
We had a great time at Paradise Park!