Friday, December 30, 2016

Ice Skating

Harper has been asking to go ice skating, so today we went to Line Creek.
For her first time ice skating, Harper did pretty good!

As we were leaving, she said, "Mama, that was fun!"
We worked up an appetite so we stopped for frozen yogurt!
What a fun day!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Portraits

Christmas Fun

Celebrating Christmas with Christy and Lexi
Making a Trolls gingerbread house
Visiting with Santa
At church on Christmas Eve
Grandma Braley always wanted the girls in matching pajamas,
so Aunt Christy gave us these for Christmas!
Checking to see if Santa drank all his milk
Christmas morning
Riding a Big Wheel from Grandpa Braley

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sunday Funday!

This morning after church, 
Harper and I went to Crown Center.
First, we ate lunch at Panera.
Next, we walked over to Union Station to see
Big Bird's One World One Sky movie at the Planetarium.
Harper worked hard writing a letter to Santa Claus.
We stopped for a picture by a giant Christmas tree
and a beautiful waterfall.
It was warm enough to play outside for a little while.
We had a great time downtown today!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Chuck E. Cheese

On Saturday, Harper went to Chuck E. Cheese 
for her friend Savannah's 6th birthday party.
After pizza and cupcakes, the kids played lots of games!
Harper loved this game where she jumped on a pogo stick.
She tried skee ball
and did great shooting baskets!
She had so much fun playing all the games.
The kids climbed and played and enjoyed the slides.
It was so nice to meet Harper's kindergarten friends.
What a perfect day with friends!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Harvest Farm

While we were visiting Aunt Christy and Lexi,
we also went to Harvest Farm & Pumpkin Patch.
There was a giant maze of hay bales to climb on.
The girls loved the playground
and the corn bins!
Harper fed the goats at the petting zoo.
We had loads of fun at Harvest Farm!