Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fun times with Lexi!

Aunt Christy and Cousin Lexi were in town over the weekend.
The girls had a great time coloring
 and shopping
and playing dress-up!
We can't wait for them to come back and visit again later this summer!

Big Girl Bed!

Harper is now sleeping in her big girl bed!
She sings It's Harper Scott's clubhouse!
Come inside, it's fun inside!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Daniel Tiger

On Wednesday morning, Harper and I attended 
Daniel Tiger LIVE at Johnson County Community College.
She snuggled with her Daniel Tiger doll while we waited for the show to begin.
They sang all of Harper's favorite songs.
It was a great show.
After the show, we had lunch at Jason's Deli before doing some shopping.
Harper loves the free ice cream!
We had such a fun day!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Spring Soccer 2016

Spring soccer season has begun!
First, it was time to warm up.
Harper was excited to find her friend, Allie.
The coach gave the team some advice
and the game began!
Harper had a lot of fun playing soccer!


Friday, April 1, 2016

Easter 2016

Harper was very excited to dye eggs this year.
She wanted to do it all by herself!
Harper colored on all of the eggs with a black crayon.
Ashley and I tried to show her to use a clear crayon and then dye the egg.
She said, "No can see that.  I use black."
She wanted to remove the eggs from the dye all by herself too.
This is my "Please don't splatter that dye all over my kitchen" face.
It was a fun night dyeing eggs!
On Easter morning, Harper was in the middle of brushing her teeth
and getting dressed after her shower, when she suddenly 
remembered that the Easter bunny had come.
She was a bit cranky before church and 
did not want her picture taken.
She attended the church service with me rather than
going to Sunday school and she was quiet and still.
It was a great Easter!