Thursday, November 17, 2022


Last weekend, Harper and I roadtripped to Nashville. 

We drove to Marion, IL on Friday night.  We were surprised
when the car was covered in snow the next morning!

We should have packed an ice scraper.

The next morning we drove through Kentucky
and made it to Nashville.  We were so excited to meet up with friends from the adoption process.  The last time we were all together was in China in 2012.

It was so great watching the girls play together!

They were instant friends.

We made shirts that said China 2012 Nashville 2022.

We got to go to Opryland to see the ICE exhibit.

The theme this year was Rudolph.

ICE is an exhibit with HUGE structures made of ice.  They gave us warm parkas to wear while we were inside. 
 It was 9 degrees!

The ice sculptures were so amazing!

We even went down a giant ice slide!

We had so much fun reuniting with our friends!  

We can wait for our next reunion!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Beach Day!

We spent today at the beach.

We had the place practically to ourselves.

We built sandcastles 

and had a picnic lunch.

We love being at the beach!

After the beach, Harper needed some pool time.

We had dinner at Waterfront Urban Diner

and checked out the Camana Bay shopping area.

There was a Halloween event going on and 

they had a giant outdoor movie screen.

Back at the resort, we made s’mores.

They were so yummy!

It was another perfect day on Cayman Island.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Stingray City!

Today we took a boat to Stingray City.

It is located on a sandbar in the middle of the ocean
and there are lots of giant stingrays.
Harper liked holding the conch shell more than the stingrays.

The stingrays were swimming all around us and would rub our legs like a cat would.  They love to be petted.
Later, we spent some time at the hotel pool

and enjoyed another beautiful sunset!
We are so thankful for another day in paradise!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Grand Cayman!

We’ve been having lots of fun on
Grand Cayman Island.
Today, we had the beach to ourselves!

The water was so clear!

Harper tried out a new snorkel mask

and chased lots of fish.

We couldn’t believe we were the only people on the beach!

We swam

and snorkeled for hours!

At our hotel, we watched the turtles

and the chickens!  They are everywhere on Cayman Island.

The sunset was so gorgeous!

We found a great place called Craft for dinner

and Harper had fondue for the first time!

Needless to say, she was quite a fan of dipping
fresh fruit, marshmallows and brownie bites in melted chocolate!  It was a pretty perfect day!

Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day Fun

Today, we grabbed pizza from Minsky’s,
then headed to the park for a picnic.

The Kona ice truck was there!

Then it was time to play!

Harper made me motion sick on the rocking toy 🤢

Then she needed to rest!

Later, we went to Watkin’s Mill for some paddle boarding!

Ashley tried it too!

We came home and had tacos by the pool, played water Uno, and of course we swam!

We don’t want summer to end!