Sunday, July 7, 2024

More states!

We are on a quest to see all 50 states.
During our DC trip, we also checked out Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.
We started off with a big breakfast!

Then drove through Maryland

until we reached the coast in Delaware.

We spent the day relaxing on the beach at
Fenwick Island State Park.

Harper found lots of seashells.

We played games and ate lunch on the beach.

It was a bit windy, but otherwise a perfect beach day!

What a great way to spend our long holiday weekend!


More DC Fun!

The next day, we got to go to the top
of the Washington Monument!

The views were amazing!

Then we got to tour the White House!

This was the Blue Room, one of three oval shaped rooms in the White House.

We were so glad that we were chosen to tour the White House! We had to contact our Congressman and go through a screening process to be selected.

After lunch, we went to the National American History Museum.

It was our favorite museum yet!
Harper played Prince’s yellow cloud guitar (while I sang along!)

The girls laughed at the old computers (which were the exact model we had when I was in Jr High— The Radio Shack “Trash 80”.

In the dangerous toys section, we saw a game I played frequently as a kid— yard darts!  This year, the girls gave me a new set of yard darts for Mother’s Day.  They no longer have a sharp metal tip 😁

There was so much to see and do!

We loved the National Museum of American History.

Washington DC

This year we spent Independence Day
 in Washington DC.

We saw part of the National Independence Day parade.

We checked out the Museum of Natural History.

Harper was the same height as the elephant’s leg.

We also checked out the 
National Air and Space Museum.

We went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum.
It was a powerful and moving experience.
We didn’t take many pictures, as it just didn’t feel right. This railway car is similar to those used to transport people to the concentration camps. Hundreds of people were crammed into these cars.

Later that night, we headed to the National Mall to
watch the fireworks. 
 We played Uno while we waited for it to get dark.

The sunset was gorgeous!

The Capitol building was behind us.

We loved the fireworks display!