Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Three Months Together

Today marks 3 months since we walked into the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Office and saw a little girl, all alone in the world, sitting on a tiny stool.   
It was heartbreaking to see this sad baby all by herself.   
She was so quiet and scared. 

Fast forward three months and it is amazing to see 
how many people love and cherish Harper.   
We are so fortunate to have her in our family.

In the 3 months we've been together, we have learned that Harper  loves music and she loves to dance.  She loves books, dolls, and her princess castle.   
She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  
  She loves snuggling and giving kisses.   
She loves watermelon slushes from Sonic.   
She loves taking baths and playing outside. 
 She LOVES her iPad.
 She loves all fruit and can eat an entire banana in less than a minute. 
She is truly delightful and we are so blessed and thankful that we get to be her parents!

1 comment:

  1. It truly is amazing to such a transformation in Harper. Your sense of direction in bringing to this point is nothing short of AWESOME!!! I am so happy for what she has brought to you, Shawn and Ashley's life.....but I am thrilled for what opportunities she'll have, that never may have been. Can't wait to see her again.
    My love to all, Penny
