Sunday, March 31, 2013


First Easter basket
Hunting for eggs
Harper said "Egg!"
Looking for more eggs
Lots of eggs
Later in the afternoon, we drew with sidewalk chalk.  
Harper loved drawing, and even erased her pictures by rolling in the chalk!
She was covered in chalk dust, but had a great time.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fun at the park!

We finally had a warm afternoon, so we went to the park!
I forgot my camera, but got some pretty good pictures on my iPhone.
This slide was a bit faster than we expected.  You can't tell
from this picture, but Harper loved it! She's quite a little daredevil.
She wanted to do it over and over.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Coloring Easter Eggs

Harper loved coloring Easter eggs!
Ashley showed Harper what to do.
Harper understood -- sort of!
While waiting for the eggs to dye, Harper decided to kick her feet up and check out the stickers.
The eggs look great!

March 2013

Harper is learning many new things.  She has started saying a couple of
new words including yellow and eggs.
We had a visit from Parents as Teachers and were introduced to sensory play.
Sensory play lets children use many senses at the same time and will help build fine motor skills.  These will be important in writing, buttoning, and zipping.
Harper loves her new bucket of beans!
Harper is doing very well with her shape sorter!  She loves any kind of puzzle.
She absolutely LOVES chips and salsa. 
She fits right in with our Mexican food loving family.
Harper loved playing with Cousin Emma.
Daddy got wild playing air guitar on Harper's stomach!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Warm weather!

It was finally warm enough to spend a few hours outside!
We helped Daddy in the garage, walked around the neighborhood, 
and played for hours.  It doesn't matter what we do. 
 If we are outside, Harper is happy!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Paradise Park

Today we went to Paradise Park in Lee's Summit.
Thanks Cousin Emma for a wonderful Christmas gift!
There were tons of places to run and climb.  Harper LOVED it!
We played in the ball pit!
We built with the blocks in the Construction Zone.
Harper's favorite part was the Water Room.  
Daddy watched her closely to make sure she didn't splash water everywhere.
Our favorite Mexican restaurant, Maggie's, was only a few minutes 
away so it was the perfect spot for lunch!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Oscar Mayer Weinermobile!

Today Shawn sent me a text with exciting news -- the Weinermobile was in Liberty!
I figured there wouldn't be too many chances to see 
a giant mobile hot dog, so I rushed home from work.  
We loaded Harper up in the car and headed out to locate the giant weiner!
Harper seemed excited to see the giant hot dog, although she had
never eaten a hot dog before.  She even fussed when we left
the weinermobile, but that might have been because she
skipped her nap today.
We were so inspired by the weinermobile, that we decided to have
hot dogs for dinner.  I am generally adamant that no one in my family
will eat a hot dog.  I'm pretty sure they are cancer in a stick form.  
But I decided to give in and let Harper try a hot dog.  
Surely you can't get cancer from one hot dog!
We headed to the grocery store and bought the best Angus hot dogs with no preservatives that I could find. 
 I thought those might be better, especially for the $5 price!
As I was preparing our gourmet  unhealthy meal, 
I checked out the nutritional value of a hot dog.
Would you believe there are 16 fat grams per hot dog??? 
 During the meal, I started experiencing chest pain.  
Harper put two little hot dog bites in her mouth. 
It didn't appear that she liked them much, but she chewed them up anyway.
That was it for her hot dog.  We threw the rest away.
At least I don't have to worry about any more hot dog meals.
We finished our celebration by doing the Hot Dog dance with 
the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters.
What a fun afternoon!

Monday, March 4, 2013


We played outside in the snow today!  
Harper liked it a bit more this time.

We rode on the sled behind the 4 wheeler.
We built a snowman!
We slid into a pile of snow.
Harper's favorite part was driving the 4 wheeler with Daddy!