Monday, October 21, 2013

Speech Therapy

Harper has been having trouble with her allergies, so we've been stuck inside!
We've spent much of our time at various appointments.
Harper is still not speaking much, so we are moving forward with speech therapy.  
First, we met with an ENT specialist for a hearing test.  Fortunately, Harper's hearing tested normal.  We had a speech therapy evaluation with First Steps.  We are waiting to see if Harper will qualify for speech therapy with them.  If so, they will transition her into the Early Childhood Intervention program with the Kearney school district when she turns 3.
Today, Harper had her final Hepatitis B injection so she is finally all caught up on her shots! No more shots until kindergarten!
This afternoon, we went to Children's Mercy for a speech therapy evaluation.  Harper tested at the level of a 12 month old for expressive speech -- so she definitely needs speech therapy.  They placed her on the waiting list and it should be about 4 months before there is an opening.  We decided to use First Steps (if Harper qualifies) and also our private insurance for speech therapy.  Also, we are going to privately hire a speech therapist out of pocket. We figure the more therapy she receives, the better.
Harper is right on target for her age in most other areas and even advanced in some areas. She knows all of her letters by sight and can always find the letter in our mess of refrigerator magnets when I ask her to find one.  They are in a big jumble, with some facing upside-down etc, and she is always able to find the "N" or "D" or whatever I ask her to find.
In between appointments, we've had some time for fun.
Dinner at Steak and Shake
Getting ready to shop at Oak Park Mall
Playing in her crib
Ready to go get our last immunization for a few years!

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