Monday, January 20, 2014


Today we went to Kaleidoscope.  Harper LOVED it!
She was so excited and was running everywhere.
Most of my pictures are blurry, as I caught her running by.
There were so many things to see and do.....
like make a smashy fish face
or color with Daddy.
There were windows to climb through
and light poles to scale.
There were hundreds of tables where you can create art
and mazes and puzzles too.
Harper loved the fruit in the market and kept pretending to eat it.
but mostly she loved coloring with the markers!
We had so much fun at Kaleidoscope!
Next, we went to eat lunch at Fritz's.
Harper played on my phone and watched the trains while we waited for our food.
At Fritz's, customers order food on an old-fashioned phone.
Apparently, Harper thought we needed seconds.
I think she was trying to order a milkshake, but they couldn't understand her.
We had such a fun day at Crown Center!


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