Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Aunt Christy and Lexi were in town to help celebrate Easter!
Opening an Easter gift from Grandma and Grandpa Braley
We dyed Easter eggs
and tried out a bubble mower.  Harper is very mechanical.  
She kept lying on the ground looking under the mower to see how it works.
On Easter morning, Harper was excited to find her basket.
The weather was perfect, so we went to Tryst Falls.
Harper LOVED the waterfall.
There was plenty of space to run!
Of course, we played at the park!
Harper is getting more independent.  Normally, she wants me to climb on the
playground equipment with her or at least stand right next to it.
Today, she let me sit down while she played.  
She even did the swinging bridge by herself!
We had such a fun weekend!

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