Thursday, May 12, 2016

Orange Beach Day 3

Today we spent another relaxing day at the beach!
Harper loved laying down and letting the waves crash into her.
One couple asked me, "Do y'all live near the beach? 
She seems so comfortable in the ocean."
We had a picnic lunch
and ran and ran
and played in the sand.
Harper's favorite song is called Cake By the Ocean
so we decided to eat cake by the ocean!
When I suggested we should get out of the sun for a bit,
Harper said, "I no hear you!"
I convinced her to play in a shady area of the pool for a while.
We found a fun spot called Lulu's for dinner.
There was live music and fun games.
 The food was excellent and we got to eat outside.
We are making lots of memories on our beach vacation!

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