Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hogle Zoo

Today we checked out the Hogle Zoo.

It was a small zoo, but had quite a few animals and lots of fun things to do.
We saw a really neat bird show.  When they needed an adult volunteer from the audience, Harper raised my hand and they chose me to be a part of the show.
A large bird landed on my arm and stole a $20 bill out of my hand.  He flew to his trainer and deposited my cash in his pocket!

There was a playground area but it was pretty warm so we didn’t stay there long.

We cooled off at the splash zone!

Harper loved this lighthouse slide.

Her favorite part was the blowhole that would explode every few minutes and spray water everywhere!

She played here for quite some time.

We checked out more animals

and finished the day by riding the train.
We loved the Hogle Zoo!

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