Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chinese New Year 2019

Last night Harper and I celebrated the Chinese New Year with other families blessed by adoption.
There were crafts

and dancers

and a photo booth with lots of cool props.
Harper and I laugh every year because
one of us always messes up the picture.

It is the Year of the Pig, so there was 
a petting zoo with live pigs!

Harper learned to make dumplings

and we ate lots of Chinese food!

Harper was so excited 
when she won a pig in the raffle!

She danced with a panda

and got Hong Bao (a Chinese custom that literally means Red Envelope).  Adults give children red envelopes with money inside.

She had such a good time seeing old friends 
and making new ones.

The night ended with a Lion Dance

and “indoor fireworks” aka hundreds of kids 
jumping on bubble wrap all at the same time!

Happy New Year!

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