Friday, July 5, 2019


Last night we flew to Boston so we could road trip through the Northeastern US.

This morning we drove to Vermont to tour
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory.

We learned how they make the ice cream
and got to eat some too!

There was even a playground!

We love Ben & Jerry’s!

Next, we went to Cold Hollow Cider Mill
and got to sample some freshly made apple cider.

We watched them making cider donuts too!
They were so yummy!

We packed a picnic lunch and went to 
Waterbury Center State Park.

Harper wasn’t sure about swimming in the lake at first

but it didn’t take long before she was comfortable.

By the end, she was going a long way out!

We rented a kayak

and paddled around the lake.

The scenery was so beautiful!

Tonight we went to the Stoweflake Balloon Festival!

Harper played

and we had another picnic while we watched the balloons.

and we even got to ride in a balloon!  Harper and I didn’t weigh enough, so the balloon took off before they took our picture.  Our selfie is the only proof that we really did it!

We had such a fun day!

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