Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gotcha Day 2019

Today we celebrated seven years of giggles!  Seven years of snuggles!  Seven years of I Love Yous! Seven years of complete happiness with this little bundle of joy!
We continued our Gotcha Day traditions by
adopting a bear from Build A Bear.

As the doll was being stuffed, Harper was supposed
to jump so her bunny would be a very active one.

She jumped a lot, 
so I suppose this will be a very active bunny.

It was so much fun shopping for 
clothes and shoes for Princess Aubrey!

Next, we went to Hong’s Buffet for lunch.
Harper’s meal was only $4.95 and we definitely got our money’s worth!

She even saved room for ice cream.

Finally, Harper opened a new charm for her Pandora bracelet.

Happy Gotcha Day Harper Grace!!

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