Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Christmas 2019

Harper and I had a busy and fun Christmas season!
We saw Frozen II at the MX4D theater in Liberty.

We decorated the tree

and visited Santa.

We saw the Liberty Light Show with live musicians

and watched Elizabeth perform in Elf Jr.

We made a gingerbread house

and sugar cookies!

Harper sang with the children at our church and we
attended the Christmas Eve candlelight service 
at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church.

On Christmas, Harper was the last one to wake up!
We opened presents.
Harper chose cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, 
ham and fruit for breakfast.

Harper won at the game of Life!

The weather was perfect for trying out her new electric scooter (while wearing her unicorn bathrobe🤪)

The next day Christy and Lexi came to stay.  
We went out to eat

then saw Cats! The movie was horrible but we laughed a lot!

We had Christmas at my cousin Barb’s house and Harper met some new friends.

It was a wonderful Christmas season!

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