Tuesday, November 16, 2021

70 degrees in November!

The weather was fantastic today, so we skipped
Mathnasium and went to Hodge Park instead!

There was so much to do!

Harper loved swinging

and sliding!

We both loved the zip line!


Harper exercised

and climbed

and balanced

and flipped

and pretended to work at McDonald’s!

After all that activity, we needed frozen yogurt!

I hope there are more warm days in November!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Halloween 2021

Harper and I worked hard to carve the ultimate pumpkin!
She requested gloves to clean it out.

The pumpkin turned out great!

We checked out the 14th street light show.
The lights flash to music.  It was super cool!

This year, Harper decided to be an M & M.

We trick or treated first at Regina’s house.

Then we went to a party at a neighbor’s house.

The kids took a hayride to trick or treat!

It looks like they went to a lot of houses!

It was a fantastic Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

No School = Fun!

There was no school today, so we went to Chuck E. Cheese!

We played lots of games

and won lots of tickets! 
Harper loved this game where you had 
to drop a ball into the fish bowls!

Harper struggled with skee ball

but was fantastic at basketball!

We had the whole place to ourselves!

We ate pizza

then played more games!

There was a giant Operation game

and Fruit Ninja too!

We had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese!

We heard on the news that today is
National Chocolate Day,
so we stopped at Classy Chocolates!

We got chocolate covered strawberries and cherries, and
a peanut cluster.  Harper tried eating a chocolate covered gummy worm, but he kept screaming 
“Don’t eat me!!!”
We can’t wait for another day off school!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Fun Farm 2021

The weather was fantastic and we were feeling rebellious,
so we skipped Mathnasium and went to Fun Farm instead!

Harper jumped

and played on the swings!

She went down the giant slide

and played in the corn bin.

She loved the new playground

We got lost in the corn maze (again)

but eventually made our way out!

She still loves the tractors

and told me this is a combine, not a tractor.

We ate pumpkin donuts

and played lots of games.

She made 6 baskets

but wasn’t as successful at skee ball.

Harper loved the schoolhouse

and all of the animals!

She’s getting so tall!

We had a great afternoon at the Fun Farm!