Thursday, October 28, 2021

No School = Fun!

There was no school today, so we went to Chuck E. Cheese!

We played lots of games

and won lots of tickets! 
Harper loved this game where you had 
to drop a ball into the fish bowls!

Harper struggled with skee ball

but was fantastic at basketball!

We had the whole place to ourselves!

We ate pizza

then played more games!

There was a giant Operation game

and Fruit Ninja too!

We had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese!

We heard on the news that today is
National Chocolate Day,
so we stopped at Classy Chocolates!

We got chocolate covered strawberries and cherries, and
a peanut cluster.  Harper tried eating a chocolate covered gummy worm, but he kept screaming 
“Don’t eat me!!!”
We can’t wait for another day off school!

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