Wednesday, August 25, 2021

St. Louis

On Sunday, Harper and I drove to St. Louis.
We stopped at Big Joel’s Safari Park.

Harper wanted me to feed the animals first.

She quickly decided it looked like fun.

We love how this park has large plastic spoons to feed
the animals with.  It makes it much less scary and messy!

Harper fed lots of goats

and a mini donkey

and some sheep too!

There were lots of snakes too.
Check out the python in the cage!

It was a hot day, so we cooled 
off with frozen pink lemonade.

Later that night, we ate dinner at 54th Street.

swam in the world’s smallest hotel pool

and enjoyed complimentary warm cookies at the hotel!

The next day, we checked out Myseum.  
Harper loved this interactive video wall.

She played in the seaweed swamp

and the bounce house too!

There was so much to see and do!

She giggled about her long forehead

learned about shadows

and was clocked going 8 mph down the slide!

She built several mazes on the magnetic ball wall

and learned about dinosaurs too!

We had a great time playing and learning at Myseum!

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