We started off day 4 at Trees of Mystery.
I’ve always wanted to see the Redwoods, and this place taught us all about them. It’s hard to tell in the pictures how giant these trees are!
Harper climbed under this one.
There was a Canopy Trail suspended high in the trees
and we rode a gondola to get a view from the top!
We drove through Redwoods National and State Park.
Our next stop was the Fern Canyon in the Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.
To get there, we had to drive our rental car down a one lane dirt road (traffic travels in both directions 😳) for 8 miles and through 2 creeks.
When we got to the dirt road, it was closed for a project so we had a picnic lunch in the car.
After the road opened, we drove as far as we could, then parked and started our hike.
Much of the hike was through a creek. We were prepared with water shoes, but Harper wasn’t too thrilled with this part of the adventure.
There were lots of obstacles to climb over
and even some to limbo under.
Eventually Harper figured out that tromping through a creek on a hike was fun!
We finally made it to Fern Canyon!
Jurassic Park was filmed in this canyon. There were ferns everywhere.
Next, we saw more redwoods as we drove down the Avenue of Giants and even drove our rental car through a giant tree . It barely fit!
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