Thursday, May 17, 2012

Her name isn't Wang!

     Throughout this lengthy adoption process, my dear husband has referred to our future child as Wang.  (Lovely isn't it??)  Apparently there is a character in Caddyshack named Wang who must be terribly endearing since Shawn nicknamed our future child after him.  We decided to wait until we were matched with a specific child to decide on a "forever" name.   After many arguments discussions, we have finally decided on a real name!!!
     Our daughter's Chinese name is Chen but in her language (Teochow), Chen is pronounced "Tan".   I'm guessing this pronunciation would be pretty confusing to most Americans.  We considered keeping that as her middle name but couldn't decide if we'd say Chen or Tan.  During some extensive baby name research, I discovered that the American equivalent of the name Chen is Grace.  The literal meaning of Chen is Grace of God.  So Grace seemed like the perfect middle name.
     Our next step was to find a first name.  We wanted to avoid anything with embarrassing initials, and tried to stay away from any name that one of us associated with another person.  We practiced saying the names out loud to see how they sounded.  Ashley practiced writing the names and even drew the monograms for the initials to see which monogram looked better.  After an analysis of approximately 3 million names, we have decided to name her Harper Grace.  Harper means brave and pleasant.  After all she's been through, we are pretty confident she is brave.  And we are hoping she is pleasant!  Harper will be the perfect first name.  That is unless she marries someone with the last name of Harper.  Then she would become Harper Harper which sounds really funny.  But we'll cross that bridge if we come to it!  We hope she loves her new name!  We can't wait to come get you Harper Grace Scott!!!

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