Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The I-800 paperwork is ready!

Today I completed our I-800 paperwork which will eventually go to the US Customs and Immigration Services.  I can hear all of my friends from the adoption world chuckling right now.  They are laughing because they know I won't need this paperwork for several months.  My closest friends won't be surprised at all that it is complete.  They've seen how overly organized I can be.  One trip through my closet and they quickly notice how all the t-shirts are together, and all the sweatshirts are together, and within each section, the shirts are organized by color (in order of the rainbow of course!)  In my pantry, the cans all face forward.  Vegetables are together and soups are together.  Some joker (aka my dear husband) recently placed a can of stewed tomatoes in the bean section!  And yes, I spent part of last weekend re-alphabetizing my spices.   Anyway, you get the idea!  I thrive on organization!  So the I-800 is complete, in case there is a miracle and our LOA comes sooner than expected!  Unfortunately, we probably won't see it until mid-July or later.  But just in case-- I am prepared!

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