Saturday, October 13, 2012

New experiences

Harper has had many new experiences this week!  On Sunday, we went to church together for the first time.  I had hoped that she would sit quietly on my lap for the service, but that didn't last long.  I decided to try out the nursery.  It was the first time since she's been with us that she wasn't being cared for by either Shawn or myself.  She played for about 40 minutes, then started crying shortly before I came back to pick her up.  We were pleased that she did cry --- another great sign that she has bonded with us.  Often, children from orphanages are so used to being passed from one adult caregiver to another, that they don't really bond with anyone.  We were already pretty sure she had attached to us,  but this was another positive sign.
On Thursday, Harper went to her new babysitter's house for the first time.  We have found our new "Martha".  Martha was Ashley's babysitter and was truly a gift from God.  She was the best and we couldn't have asked for better care for Ashley.  Harper's new sitter is named Kathy.  She was Ashley's dance teacher 17 years ago.  She is so warm and caring.  We can see that she loves Harper and makes her feel very happy and secure.  Harper stayed at Kathy's house for a few hours on Thursday and a few hours on Friday.  Shawn doesn't return to work until April or later, but we will take Harper to her new sitter a couple of days each week so she will be comfortable there when he is back at work full time.
Thursday afternoon, we rode our bikes around the trail at Watkins Mill.  Shawn got to try out his new bike, and Harper got to ride in her new trailer behind his bike.  She LOVED it!
Here is the reason people really read the blog -- pictures!!!
Spending lots of time coloring
Getting ready for shopping at Oak Park Mall
Enjoying a drink box
Going to church
Tasting the cookies we made for Daddy
Putting on her own shoes
Savoring some donuts
Loving the iPad!
Having fun on a bike ride
Playing with the princess castle


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