Saturday, February 8, 2014

Children's Literacy Fair

Harper and I went to the library this morning and there was
a Children's Literacy Fair going on.  There were lots of activities
and Harper had a great time!  She is a very outgoing, independent child 
who isn't afraid to try new things or venture into a crowd.  
She often pauses and looks back to make sure Momma 
is right behind her, but she isn't afraid to head out on her own.
Harper LOVES letters!
She enjoyed playing with the train.
She used a magnetic pole to go "fishing"
but decided it was easier to dive in the pool and catch the fish.
She got a kick out of shaking the maracas and making music.
Harper adores puzzles and has recently started taking an interest in numbers.  
I asked her, "Where is the five?" and she immediately chose the number 5.
Of course, we can't ever leave the library without playing on the computer.
Now it's time to read our books!


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