Saturday, July 5, 2014

Independence Day 2014

Harper was supposed to stay out of the pool for 5 days after her ear tube surgery.
Today was the 5th day. It was July 4 and the weather was perfect, 
so we decided to let her get in the pool a bit early.  
I put a swim cap on her to remind her not to get her ears wet.  
The swim cap worked and she looked so totally cute!
Her nose is so tiny that she almost always wears her sunglasses upside down.
Harper had a blast playing with Ashley in the pool.
We got out her boat and pushed her around the pool.  
First we talked about being very careful not to tip the boat and get her ears wet.
After being cooped up in the house all week, she loved every second of it!
Daddy grilled some burgers and we ate dinner outside.
We had fun playing on the swing set
until this happened.
Happy July 4 everyone!


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