Monday, June 30, 2014


After a winter of many illnesses, it was time to remove Harper's
tonsils and adenoids.  She also had tubes placed in her ears.
She was happy playing while Momma filled out paperwork.
Harper was her normal energetic self even though it was only 7:15 am.
She needed Daddy to play too.
She changed into some special jammies
and made herself comfortable.
The surgery went well.  Dr. Beuerlein said her tonsils and adenoids were so large
that her airway was 95% blocked.  He drained a lot of fluid off her ears, and it
already seems like her hearing has improved.
She has been pretty lethargic today. 
Fortunately, her appetite is good!  She ate macaroni and cheese for lunch,
and a baked potato and mini muffins for dinner.  I gave her some marshmallows
after she took her yucky antibiotic, and she ate three helpings!



1 comment:

  1. Yes Deanna!!! I am very interested in meeting other families with children from Chaozhou! So far, I've only been able to find one family -- a little boy named Jonathan and his mother is Susan. They lived near Dallas, but I think they recently relocated to the Atlanta area. I haven't met them in person yet, but Susan and I try to keep up via email and phone calls. Please feel free to email me at or find me on Facebook -- Rama Scott. You blog link worked for me. Ella is absolutely adorable!
