Monday, June 8, 2015

A Road Trip Adventure!

We decided to take a road trip to Wisconsin Dells, the waterpark capital of the world!
We spent the night in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to break up the drive up a bit.
When we left Cedar Rapids, the GPS on our car was stuck.
No big deal, we thought.  We'll use the GPS on our phones for navigation.
We quickly learned that when you are in The Middle of Nowhere, Iowa,  there
is no cell phone service and no phone GPS, so we flew blind for a while.
The road we were driving on was closed without warning, and we were forced to detour.
Eventually, we made it to a town with cell phone and internet service! 
We decided to eat lunch at Dairy Queen.
Harper's favorite part was the ice cream!
Fortunately, the GPS on my car reset itself during lunch.
It was good timing, because the next part of our trip involved many winding country roads.
Wisconsin Dells is a bit off the beaten path, but we finally made it to The Great Wolf Lodge.
Harper loved her wolf ears!
We had some time to check out the waterpark before dinner.
Harper tried one of the slides.
It looks like a pretty fun place.  We can't wait to swim more tomorrow!

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