Tuesday, June 9, 2015

More Wisconsin Dells Fun!

We had so much fun today!
After the deer park, we had lunch then spent several hours at the waterpark.
Harper swam and played and climbed and ran
and giggled .... a lot!
In the afternoon we went to Goody Goody Gumdrop,
an old fashioned candy and ice cream store.
Harper wanted M & M's, specifically pink and purple ones.
This girl LOVES M & M's!
For dinner, we found a place called MACS -- a macaroni and cheese shop.
The food was so good!  We would eat here every day if we lived here!
After dinner, we went to Story Time at the resort.
Harper got to meet Wiley the Wolf
and she loved this bear wearing a cupcake hat.
We had such a fun day!

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