Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Day of Pre-K 2015-2016

Today was Harper's first day of Pre-K.
I drop her off at the babysitter's house at 6:00 am, so she wasn't very 
interested in posing for First Day of School photos.
Most of my before school pictures turned out like this:
Just like last year, Harper was more interested in
eating her bagels than posing for pictures.
She finally woke up and posed for a picture.
She looks like such a big girl!
This is Harper's best friend, Sicilia.
Harper has become much more outgoing since she met Sicilia.
Harper loves riding the bus!
After school, we went outside to play.
 Harper had a great day at school.  
She painted a bus in art class, played with puzzles,
and made a road for her cars during playtime.
Her teacher wrote, "Wow!  Beautiful long sentences!"
Harper had a great first day of school!

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