Saturday, September 1, 2018

St. Louis Day 1

We had lunch at Fitz’s and watched 
them make their own soda.

Harper doesn’t usually drink soda, but she decided
this was pretty tasty!

After lunch, we went to City Museum.
These pictures won’t do it justice!
It was the craziest labyrinth of mazes, tunnels, caves and climbing structures.
At first, Harper was scared

but before long she was climbing and sliding and giggling.

There were giant legos
and wobbly chairs.

Harper played the piano and sang.

There was a bus hanging off the roof

so she climbed on and took it for a spin.
There was an airplane on the roof too!

This is no ordinary museum.
They encourage everyone to run and climb and play.

Harper made some friends and had so much fun playing!

We loved the City Museum!

We finished our day relaxing in the hotel pool!

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