Monday, September 3, 2018

The Magic House

Today we went to The Magic House.
Harper pretended to be the president.

She loved the way the flag really flew when she raised it to the top.

She learned how to crush corn in the Kenya section

and drove a caterpillar in the construction area.

She loved working in the grocery store

and pretending to be a veterinarian.

Harper played in several forts.  This one was made from packing tape!

She enjoyed building

and spent hours in the art studio!

She loved the glowing balls that played music 
when we rolled them.

Harper is so mechanical!
She played with gears

 shot scarves out of the air tubes

and made giant bubbles!

She is getting so big
but she still loves the water table

and playing in the sand!

We had a great time at The Magic House!

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