Saturday, September 1, 2012

One week home

It's hard to believe we have only been home for one week.  Harper feels like she has been a part of the family forever!  We have settled into a nice "normal" life.  She is 20 months old today.  We've had a busy week with lots of visitors, a trip to the doctor, an appointment for labs (they took 6 vials of blood), and a visit with the social worker.  China requires that we complete several post placement visits over the next 5 years.  The first visit must be completed and translated to Chinese within 30 days of the placement.  Since we spent our first 2 weeks together in China, we had to quickly complete the first home study visit after our return.
We have had LOTS of great news this week!  The doctor said that Harper is completely healthy and there is no "special need" at all.  Developmentally, she tested like any other  20 month old baby would.  We were told to expect her to perform like a 12 month old since she has been institutionalized her entire life.  But once again, this little fighter proved everyone wrong!
She can now say Hi, Momma, Dadda, dog, and ball.  She shakes her head yes or no.  She understands when we tell her no, don't touch, and recognizes many other words like more or banana.  She puckers up to give kisses and even offers unsolicited kisses!
On my first day home, we went to Wal-Mart.
At first, I played in the baby pool.
But now, I prefer the big pool!
Here are my new besties Stella and Elizabeth!
I'm still not sure about these things they call dogs.
I love playing with my purse.
The park was much more fun than getting blood drawn!
I learned to climb all the way up the stairs.
But I haven't quite figured out how to come DOWN the stairs!
My daddy ALWAYS makes me laugh!

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