Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Last full day in Guangzhou

Today was our last full day in Guangzhou.  Tomorrow at 4:00, Harper's visa will be ready and we will travel back to Hong Kong.  We will spend the night in a hotel, then begin our long journey back to the United States.

This morning, we took the Immigration Oath for Harper.  When we touch down on US soil on Friday afternoon, Harper will automatically become a US Citizen.
After the consulate, we had the rest of the day to play!
I tried out my new cell phone.
And I LOVE looking at myself in the mirror!
I played with some extra passport photos of Momma, Daddy, and Ashley.  Here's what I picked when I was asked, "Where is your Momma?"
Daddy wanted to wrestle.  Momma says Daddy is too rough when we wrestle, but I like it!
Tonight, I LOVED my bath!  Momma was in the tub with me so we don't have any pictures of that!  But we do have some video of me giggling tonight.  Everything was sooooo funny!