Sunday, August 26, 2012

Little walker!

Today Harper decided to walk!  She has been walking nonstop for the past 2 hours!


  1. and so the journey begins....Again, it is so amazing to see the complete change in Harper over the past 2 weeks. Keep up the great work, what a doll baby. So glad you are all back in the States. Sounds like everything/everyone was wonderful to you in Japan/China, but such a long trip. Very glad you made it home before the Typhoon was so close to be a real threat. Take Care, Penny

  2. What a sweetheart. Jeff and I are so very happy for both of you, Ashley, and Harper. What a wonderful family. After you've had time to get a schedule worked out with Harper, let us know when a good time to visit would be. I'd love for you to see our adopted grandson Damon as well. Welcome home.
